
Right so im off to the gym again ive spent the last 5 days loading creatine by met-rx which has gone down very well, also been taking met-rx l-glutamine and matrix anabolic whey protein altogether results are going well.


  1. urgh with the way the cars going ive had no time for the gym and a lack of transport, yeah i no bad habbit but seriously how much time have we got to work these days!

  2. So been a while, I've got a new gym plan I've written, going Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays with a hip hop/street dance class on Tuesdays. not putting weight on but sizing up, this will be the end of week two so only two more weeks before I switch up the workout again!

  3. 3 weeks into my current workout, sizing up not overly loosing weight thats ok for the moment tho, im not putting it on.... staying about the same.
